Project Location:
2511 Britons Hill, Richmond, VA
Description of Work:
Set up and Maintenance of ICRA Barrier System. De-Installation and dismantlement of 3-777 Tunnel Washers; Prep Sinks and Ultrasonic Cleaners. Drywall modifications/soffits and acoustical ceiling modifications. Site preparation consisted of modification and re-routing steam supply and condensate return piping; modifications/re-routing hot and cold water piping; installation of new DI water piping; Installation for new floor sink drains and drain lines; installation of 6- new 480V 3 P Electrical Circuits w/Disconnects for the 6 new Washer/Disinfectors; new electrical circuits /outlets & receptacles for the Prep Sinks, Ultrasonic Cleaners, Automatic Return Gate and docking stations for the new automation system. Removal and disposal of existing VCT Tile Flooring on Decontam Side and in front of new washers. Installation of new epoxy flooring system on Decontam side completely and in front of the new washers on the clean side. Installation of 6- new Amsco 7052 Washer/Disinfectors; 4-Innowave Ultrasonic Cleaners; 4- Prep Sinks; Automatic Return Gate and Pass Thru Window.
Work Performed for: Bon Secours
Status: September 2021 through end of November 2021
Value: $252,030